In 2015 South East Water completed the Peninsula ECO project to allow more than 16,000 properties between Rye and Portsea to connect to the sewerage network. As a result of the number of properties connecting to sewer in these areas, the Boneo Water Recycling Plant (WRP) is nearing its capacity. An upgrade to the Boneo WRP is needed to ensure the future treatment of wastewater for the southern Mornington Peninsula.

The John Holland SUEZ Beca Joint Venture (JHSB) was appointed in 2018 to deliver the design and construction of the upgrade on our behalf and to undertake operations and maintenance of the plant for the next 10 years. Construction was completed by mid-2021. Our Industry Partner is now undertaking operations and maintenance of the plant and will continue to do so for the next 10 years.

We still need to upgrade the Emergency Storage Lagoon (ESL) at the water recycling plant. Our industry partner Beca, Fulton Hogan, Interflow Joint Venture (BFHI) were awarded the works in early 2024. Works on the ESL are anticipated to commence from May 2024 until January 2025. 

Frequently Asked Questions


If you have any questions or would like more information regarding:

In 2015, South East Water completed the Peninsula ECO project to allow more than 16,000 properties between Rye and Portsea to connect to the sewerage network. As a result of the number of properties connecting to sewer in these areas, the Boneo WRP is nearing its capacity.

This is a major upgrade of the Boneo WRP and consists of a range of infrastructure being installed, including a biogas treatment and co-generation facility, a dewatering building, several anaerobic digesters, settling and mixing tanks as well as a new administration building. Further details of all the components of the upgrade can be viewed in the below map.

Visual amenity

Residents will notice some new above ground infrastructure as a result of the upgrade to the WRP. Several new buildings, housing various infrastructure components of the upgrade, will range up to 11 metres in height. A range of other equipment will be installed and may be noticeable to some neighbours.

South East Water has undertaken additional planting at the water recycling plant to minimise the amount of infrastructure visible to the local community. Upon completion of the upgrade, South East Water will re-evaluate the impact of the visual amenity of the WRP on neighbours and may undertake further planting if required.


The upgraded WRP will be designed to meet the noise level limits set by the Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA). No noticeable increase in noise will be evident once construction is completed.


The upgrade will include new odour control equipment designed to meet odour limits set by the EPA. It is not anticipated that any noticeable odour will be detected from the upgraded WRP.

John Holland Suez Beca Joint Venture (JHSB) signed a contract with South East Water in September 2018 to design and construct the upgrade to the Boneo WRP.

They will also continue to operate and maintain it for ten years, with the potential for a five year extension.

The Emergency Storage Lagoon (ESL) will be upgraded by our industry partner Beca, Fulton Hogan, Interflow Joint Venture (BFHI).

Three companies - John Holland (construction), SUEZ (sewage treatment technology and operations) and BECA (design) - form the successful partnership who will deliver works for South East Water's Boneo Water Recycling Plant upgrade. JHSB JV will operate the plant (under South East Water's licence), while constructing new and upgrading existing assets. Once the upgrade is complete, JHSB JV will continue to operate the plant for 10 years.

South East Water officially handed over the site and operation of the plant to JHSB JV on 6 February 2019. 

The final stage of construction, the ESL, is expected to be complete by December 2024.

The upgrade to the plant will be completed within the existing site at Limestone Road. Upgrade works are required throughout the plant and will be staged to ensure they are delivered safely and efficiently.

The below map shows the location of where new infrastructure is being installed. 

South East Water has to comply with regulations from the EPA, the Department of Health and other government agencies to ensure that all of its assets and infrastructure meet legal and statutory requirements in regards to public safety and to ensure the health and wellbeing of operators and maintenance staff.

The majority of works are scheduled to take place during normal working hours - 7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday and 7am to 3pm on Saturday (weather permitting).

Construction may be required outside of these hours when connecting new infrastructure to existing and operating assets. 

If construction is required to be undertaken outside of these hours, nearby residents will be notified at least 48 hours in advance (emergencies excepted).

Workers in light vehicles and trucks will arrive onsite from 6.30am to ensure they are available for the crew prestart meeting at 7am.

Due to the high level of traffic, parking and activity in the area, no works will be undertaken on market day.

 Yes. The project will require trucks to access the plant using public roads, including concrete deliveries. When concrete is required onsite, due to the volume required, a steady stream of trucks will arrive at the plant during working hours.

During construction you may notice:

  • Periods of noise when heavy machinery is being used, including reversing beepers.
  • Traffic management including speed restrictions along Limestone Road.

JHSB JV and BFHI will work with the community and stakeholders to minimise construction, social and environmental impacts.

In October 2018, an Environment Protection Authority (EPA) works Approval was received for this project to be undertaken which assessed a number of environmental considerations. In addition an Environmental Impact Assessment has been undertaken for this project. All areas of high environmental importance or sensitivity within the project area have been taken into consideration. Various options have been looked at during the design of this project and a comprehensive Environmental Management Plan (EMP) has been created and implemented.

Regular environmental monitoring and auditing will be undertaken during construction to ensure the EMP is being adhered to. This will include methods to minimise the amount of vegetation removal to protect the local flora and fauna.


Where we will be working


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1800 330 129

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Boneo WRP Upgrade
South East Water
PO Box 2268
Seaford VIC 3198

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All languages 03 9280 0779

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TTY: 13 36 77 (ask for 131 851)