Working with Traditional Owners and First Nations people
We’re committed to our journey of reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and are delivering on actions in our first Reconciliation Action Plan.
Walking with Traditional Owners
We’re committed to walking with Traditional Owners. We recognise their deep connection to land and water.
By collaborating with Traditional Owners, we can gain deeper understanding of their cultural values and perspectives on sustainable land use and management.
Partnerships we make can help to build trust and mutual respect, allowing us to work towards shared goals of protecting and preserving our water resources for future generations.
We’re also committed to building capacity within Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander organisations to create meaningful and long-lasting partnerships that benefit both parties and the broader community.
This will help deepen our working relationships with Traditional Owners and Aboriginal/Torres Strait Island-focussed organisations, building on progress we’ve made in the past few years, including through our first Reconciliation Action Plan 2020 – 2022.
We’ve recently undertaken a cultural review and we’re committed to developing a strategy based upon its findings to ensure a deep and meaningful relationship with Traditional Owners and the broader Aboriginal community.
Sharing through art
In 2019, we came together to unveil an artwork by Bunurong artist Adam Magennis. It reflects Adam’s own ancestry and cultural journey on Country to tell a visual story of our RAP.
It’s a story that now welcomes our employees and broader community when they enter our WatersEdge HQ in Frankston - helping to spark conversation about our RAP, the actions we’ve committed to and the journey we’re all on together.