We’re committed to delivering healthy water for life for our customers, community and environment, now and into the future.

To help us do that, we make 5-yearly commitments and set targets to measure our progress.

Our customers helped shape our commitments for 2023–28. From our priority activities, through to our prices and services, what you told us about what matters most to you helped shape our future.

We report back 6-monthly to let you (and our regulator, the Essential Services Commission) know how we’re tracking against these. ​

Performance snapshot



The percentage of our outcome measures (14 out of 16) we're exceeding or expected to achieve target by 30 June 2024 at the midway point of this first year of the 2023–28 regulatory period.  

At this stage, only 2 measures are at risk of not being achieved for the year, however we remain confident that at least 1 will recover and we'll achieve the overall target for 2023–28. 

  • Through our digital network, we’re alerting customers to possible leaks at their property at rates higher than we initially  forecast. We believe this will only increase as our rollout of digital meters continues across the 2023–28 regulatory period. 

  • The level of our payment assistance and financial support is reaching record highs.  We have plans in place to better understand from customers the barriers stopping those with outstanding bills from using our support options. ​

  • Changes we introduced to our tariffs and how we bill customers from 1 July appear to be reducing the need for customers to contact us to discuss their bills. ​

  • We’re outperforming the target we set for our new combined service disruptions . ​

  • While recent extreme wet weather events have caused sewer spills, putting pressure on our network, its overall reliability and our water quality haven’t been compromised.  ​

  • We’re expanding the number of customers and type of interactions that we capture feedback from, to help improve our systems and services. 

Digital meters saving water and money

Since our digital meter rollout began, we've alerted over 14,200 customers to leaks on their property. 

One of the largest of its kind in the country, the rollout has saved more than 1.25 billion litres of drinking water that may have been lost had the leaks gone undetected - and customers have saved over $5.2 million.  


Reaching out to those who need our help 

In a time of cost-of-living challenges, we continue to proactively support customers and communities.  

That includes supporting not-for-profit organisations across Melbourne's south-east to save water and reduce their bills through the Community Housing Retrofit program.   

Recycled water scheme improves water security

We're working with our partners to help secure Victoria's future water supply, with early works underway on the Dingley Recycled Water Scheme. 

The scheme will bring an extra 1.8 gigalitres of recycled water to 40 sites across 4 local government authorities, including local businesses, sports facilities and parks. 

Renewals promote reliability and liveability 

So we can deliver high-quality, reliable services now and into the future, we're focussed on the renewal of ageing water and sewer mains. That includes in some of the busiest roads in our service area.

Like our $4 million upgrade of the 1920s-built water main along Chapel Street to support the bustling South Yarra community. 

Performance against our targets (1 July to 31 December 2023) 



Get the basics right, always

You told us you want to be better informed about disruptions, including improved visibility of leaks on your premises and timely warnings when there are wider network disruptions.

Meet safe drinking water standards

Number of non-compliances to the Safe Drinking Water Act (sampling and water audit)


Target (annual)

Result (6-months)

 July to December 2023 


0  Green tick icon


  • We’re proud we continued to deliver safe, high-quality drinking water to our customers in this first 6 months. 
  • Our positive results have been driven by our chlorination strategy, which makes sure the water in our storages and networks remains safe, and a solid program of maintenance and testing.  
  • Read more about how we make sure our water is high-quality and safe in our Annual Drinking Water Quality Report. 

Multiple unplanned disruptions water, sewer and water quality

Customers experiencing more than 5 unplanned disruptions in a rolling 12-month period


Target (annual)

Result (6-months)

 July to December 2023 


365 Green tick icon


  • We’re pleased we achieved a result well under target for the first 6 months of our new combined disruptions measure.
  • This is largely due to our water and sewer mains renewals program, which see us continue to target assets in poor condition and with a history of multiple failures before they impact customers or the environment.
  • Due to wet conditions, we also experienced very low numbers of bursts and leaks across our network. 

Water saved through digital detection of network leaks

Volumes in megalitres (from network leaks)


Target (annual)

Result (6-months)

 July to December 2023 


Green tick icon


  • We’ll start reporting the savings realised through digital detection of networks leaks in 2024–25. 
  • In the meantime, we continue to detect and repair leaks, the data from which will help with the calculations we'll use to report on this measure from next year. 

Warn me, inform me

You told us it’s critical that the services we provide are safe and reliable. It’s important that we maintain and improve our current high levels of service and continue our innovative approach.

Customer savings through repair of property leaks detected by digital meters

Dollars in millions


Target (annual)

Result (6-months)

 July to December 2023 


$1.9  Green tick icon


  • We’re proud that by alerting our customers early of continuous flows detected by our digital meters, they’ve saved more off their bills than initially forecast, through the timely repair of leaks. 

Customers notified of unplanned water supply disruptions

As a percentage of total customers affected 


Target (annual)

Result (6-months)

 July to December 2023 


78% Green tick icon


  • Our success in reducing impacts to customers depends on the amount of contact details we have in the geographic area impacted by the service disruption.
  • Results will fluctuate until we can collect more customers’ contact details across all our service region. We currently collect new customers’ details / those who have changed address via the notice of sale and we’re looking at best ways to capture more existing customers’ details. 

Water knowledge of South East Water customers



Target (annual)

Result (6-months)

 July to December 2023 


N/A Amber line icon


  • Recent research from Melbourne Water identifies the literacy of Melbourne’s water customer at around 29%. We continue to work through development of our program to capture this specifically for South East Water customers.
  • Our ability to report on this measure remains a work in progress as we establish the underlying methodology.
  • Alongside our own efforts, we also look to Melbourne’s metropolitan water sector for work underway to establish a consistent and efficient program.

Fair and affordable for all

As a provider of essential services, you expect those services and charges to be fair and affordable for everyone. You want us to continue to provide support for those in need, and to tailor this support as circumstances change. 

Roll out of digital water meters

Percentage of existing properties upgraded 


Target (annual)

Result (6-months)

 July to December 2023 


10%  Amber line icon


  • Our leading digital meter rollout has so far empowered close to 100,000 of our customers to save water and money, exceeding anticipated benefits to customers (see: 'Water saved through digital leak detection' measure)
  • 10% of properties have a digital water meter at 31 December 2023 (against a target of 17% by 30 June 2024)
  • Delays in procuring our meter fleet mean that we may not achieve the 17% end-of-year target for digital meter installations.
  • We remain confident we can escalate delivery over the remaining rollout period, to achieve the 2028 target and so more customers can receive the benefits of digital meters.

Numbers of customers supported

Customers receiving financial or payment assistance  


Target (annual)

Result (6-months)

 July to December 2023 


8,569  Green tick icon


  • In a time of increased cost of living pressures for some of our customers, we’re pleased that our continued support of those experiencing hardship or payment difficulties has driven a considerable increase in those receiving financial or payment assistance in the first 6 months of the year.
  • It’s seen the total number of our customers receiving support in the first 6 months nearly equal last year’s (12 months) total.
  • Building on our outreach programs and promotion of what we offer, we’re introducing new ways to engage early and discuss support options with customers, so making payments doesn’t become a problem for them.  

Customers with outstanding bills who have received financial or payment assistance

Percentage of customers with arrears older than 90 days who have received support



Target (annual)

Result (6-months)

 July to December 2023 


29% Red cross icon


  • Despite the availability of our support options and our outreach program, the percentage of customers with outstanding bills choosing to take up support remains outside our target.
  • We anticipate that planned actions to engage with our customers with outstanding bills will increase their uptake of payment assistance.  

Make my experience better

You want an easier experience when dealing with us and, whether by digital or traditional means, one that allows you choice.

Total inbound customer contacts

Calls, portal, web and email enquiries per 100 customers


Target (annual)

Result (6-months)

 July to December 2023 


30  Green tick icon


  • We’re pleased we continued to see more customers use our online and self-service channels. Through the total number of enquiries we received from customers (30), we’ve slightly outperformed our mid-year target of 34.
  • Responding to our customers’ preferences, we continue to introduce new ways for them to complete transactions online instantly, avoiding the need for an enquiry with us.
  • We’re currently improving our corporate website, the first of many improvements we’ll introduce. 

Customer satisfaction with South East Water

Overall satisfaction based on scores of 7 and above in post interaction customer surveys


Target (annual)

Result (6-months)

 July to December 2023 


85%  Green tick icon


  • Our high customer satisfaction for the first 6 months (including a 3% increase when compared to same time last year) highlights the positive impact our support programs are having for our customers.  

Billing and prices enquiries received

Requests for information relating to billing or pricing matters per 100 customers


Target (annual)

Result (6-months)

 July to December 2023 


2.9  Green tick icon


The result is more favorable than expected, which may be due to factors such as: 

  1. Changes to the way we bill and charge customers from 1 July 2023, which aimed to make bills simpler and easier to budget for.
  2. A wetter, cooler summer period resulting in lower water consumption charges. 

We’ll continue to monitor and analyse this performance to see if recent trends continue. 

Support my community, protect our environment

You trust us to ensure long-term water security, minimise our impact on the environment and support our community.

Community trust in South East Water

Overall trust based on scores of 7 and above from Brandtracker surveys


Target (annual)

Result (6-months)

 July to December 2023 


76%  Green tick icon


  • Our first measure of community trust is high (at 76%), which likely shows the impact of our award-winning community grants and other outreach programs on communities across our service region.

Net greenhouse gas emissions (tCO2e)

Net position determined including offsets purchased based on the NGERS reporting framework


Target (annual)

Result (6-months)

 July to December 2023 


N/A  Amber line icon


  • We’re working on a way we can measure and report on our greenhouse gas emissions total 6-monthly (we currently report on them annually).
  • Based on previous years’ performance and with ambitions to achieve our stretch target of net zero emissions by 2028 (as captured in our 2028 corporate strategy), we remain confident that we’ll achieve our 2023–24 target.

Number of reportable dry weather sewer spills

Spills occurring in our sewerage network during dry weather that are required to be reported to the EPA


Target (annual)

Result (6-months)

 July to December 2023 


11 Amber line icon  


  • The number of dry weather sewer spills is higher than expected at this stage of the year, however it remains within the annual target.
  • Recent spills have resulted from build ups of fats and tree roots in the network and third-party damage to our pressure sewer system.
  • Through our proactive sewer mains renewal program, we continue to monitor and identify assets requiring action before spills occur, reducing impacts to customers or the environment.  

Alternative water supplied to all customers

Recycled, stormwater and other IWM sources of non-potable water provided to customers as a percentage of total water supplied


Target (annual)

Result (6-months)

 July to December 2023 


N/A Amber line icon


  • We’re working on a way we can measure and report on our alternative water volumes 6-monthly (we currently report on them annually). 
  • Wet and cooler-than-expected weather conditions in early summer are likely to have had an impact on the demand for alternative water and may impact our ability to achieve our annual target. 
  • With the demand for alternative water currently largely seasonal, our organisation continues to look for other uses for it, helping reduce reliance on drinking water supplies.

Learn more

Our service guarantees

We’re committed to safe and reliable services, and we’ll give you a rebate in your next bill if we don't deliver.

Our performance against our 2018–23 customer commitments

How we performed against our commitments to our customers for the 2018–23 regulatory period