Notice of Intent to Declare Serviced Properties

Pursuant to section 144 of the Water Act 1989 (Vic), South East Water intends to declare the following properties as serviced for sewer. These properties will become a serviced property on the date listed as the Declaration Date.

Date posted 14th December 2023 (October 2023)




Declaration Date

76-80 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
5 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
11 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
11 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
9 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
54 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
222 HARKAWAY ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
62 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
4 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
6 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
1 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
1 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
21 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
10 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
12 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
38 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
40 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
24 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
64 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
2 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
27 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
9 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
13 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
10 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
3 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
102 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
16 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
55 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
15 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
16 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
66 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
26 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
108 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
48-52 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
30 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
8 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
45 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
57 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
13 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
15 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
17 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
19 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
23 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
29 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
6 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
8 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
14 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
20 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
28 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
32 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
34 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
36 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
23 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
21 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
19 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
9 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
3 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
1 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
16 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
14 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
8 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
6 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
60 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
94 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
96 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
98 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
100 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
104 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
106 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
110 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
35 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
51 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
59 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
65 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
10 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
12 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
18 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
5 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
17 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
14 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
3 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
2 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
11-13 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
18 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
68-70 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
2 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
31 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
82 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
88 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
72 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
17 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
22 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
63 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
25 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
15 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
4 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
76-80 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
5 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
11 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
11 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
9 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
54 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
222 HARKAWAY ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
62 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
4 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
6 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
1 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
1 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
21 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
10 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
12 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
38 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
40 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
24 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
64 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
2 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
27 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
9 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
13 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
10 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
3 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
102 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
16 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
55 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
15 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
16 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
66 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
26 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
108 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
48-52 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
30 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
8 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
4 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
45 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
57 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
7 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
13 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
15 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
17 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
19 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
23 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
29 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
8 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
14 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
20 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
28 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
32 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
34 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
36 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
23 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
21 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
19 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
9 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
3 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
1 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
16 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
14 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
8 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
6 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
60 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
94 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
96 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
98 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
100 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
104 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
106 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
110 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
35 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
51 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
59 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
65 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
10 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
12 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
18 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
5 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
17 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
14 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
3 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
2 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
11-13 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
18 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
68-70 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
2 BELLBIRD AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
31 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
82 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
88 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
72 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
17 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
22 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
63 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
25 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
15 OLIVE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage  19/03/2024
4 GEORGE RAE AVENUE HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024
76-80 KING ROAD HARKAWAY Sewerage 19/03/2024


View Property Declarations for Portsea.

Point Leo and St Andrews Beach

View Property Declarations for Point Leo and St Andrews Beach


View Property Declarations for Sorrento.


View Property Declarations for Blairgowrie.


View Property Declarations for Rye.


View Property Declarations for miscellaneous addresses.