Everything we all love about Melbourne relies on a healthy, dependable water supply. But as our population grows and our environment changes, water is becoming increasingly scarce. We all have a role to play to make every drop count and save water, even when it's raining and our storages are full. Because the time to secure our water for the future is now.

View our top water savings tips

Melbourne, let's make every drop count

Our water in numbers


Rainfall last month (mm)
60.98% less than June 2023


Melbourne's water storage levels 
0.06% less than June 2023

We use more water than we get from rain. But if we each save a little, we all save a lot. 

Ways you can make every drop count

  1. Shave a minute off your shower time

    The average shower time is seven minutes, and we need to aim for four. Imagine the impact if we all turned off the tap a couple of minutes earlier. 

  2. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth 

    It's drinking water literally going down the drain, every time you brush. 

  3. Use half flush (when you can)

    Most homes in Melbourne now have a dual flush toilet. Do you? Switching is a great way to save.

  4. Go easy with the garden hose

    Water your plants either early or late in the day when it's cooler. It'll reduce evaporation so more water reaches the roots.   

  5. Fix a dripping tap

    It  might be as straightforward as replacing the washer or turning your taps off tightly. 

  6. Use the eco settings on your appliances 

    Save water simply by choosing the 'eco' setting on your dishwasher or washing machine, and wait until you have a full  load to run your machine. 

Smart water advice

We’ve teamed up with Smart Approved WaterMark to give you tips on how to be smarter with your water. Together, we can create a more sustainable, water-sensitive city.

In the home

Most of our household water use is in the bathroom, and there are lots of little ways to save a few litres throughout the home. 

In your garden

Go easy with the hose. Outdoor water use can account for up to half of an average home's water use in the summer months, but these tips can reduce that.

At work

Discover the ecnomic and environmental benefits of saving water in your business.

Target 150

In Melbourne, we have a water use target that each of us use no more than 150 litres per person, per day. Last year, on average we each used 161 litres per day - so we all need to save just over one bucket load of water every day. With a few simple changes, we can easily reach that.  Learn more about Target 150 and compare your household’s current water usage.

Permanent water saving rules

These have been in place since 2011 across Victoria to help manage our water efficiency. These rules let you know how you can use water around your home, garden and business. 

Planning for the future

How we’re working towards making sure there’s enough water to go around for generations to come.

Desalinated water

Clean, safe drinking water produced from the sea. Desalinated water has been supplementing our water storages since 2016 to help secure our supply in case of drought. 

In September 2023, the 2022-23 desalinated water order of 15 billion litres was suspended on advice from Melbourne Water due to the high levels in Melbourne's water storages.

Recycled water

A sustainable water supply used for lots of non-drinking purposes. We've already connected plenty of customers in Cranbourne, Clyde, Lyndhurst, Pakenham and Officer, and we're connection more every year. 

Rainwater and greywater

Using rainwater and greywater from your basins, showers and washing machines can help you reduce your reliance on drinking water. 

Easy English using water in summer

Easy English using water in summer

An Easy English booklet on how to save water, espcially in summer when water use increases.

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