Works in your area starting May 2022

You might not notice a lot of the work we do because most of it is beneath your feet. Every day, we’re maintaining and upgrading the pipes and pumps that keep water flowing. 

The Pakenham East area is anticipated to become a major growth area, after the recent approval of the Precinct Structure Plan, in January 2021. We are expecting the fast development of residential and non-residential developments in the next few years. With some works in across Pakenham East you might see us or our delivery partner ZJW (Zinfra, Jaydo, WSP, Joint Venture) around.

Here's what yo expect while we get the job done.

What we're doing

To ensure we can service the Pakenham East area into the future, we are expanding the sewerage, recycled water and potable water networks into this area. 

This project will include:

  • a new drinking water main to cater for growth in the area; 
  • a recycled water pipe to reduce reliance on drinking water supply; and
  • upgrading an existing sewer pipeline. 

We're working with ZJW to help us.

When it's happening

We're planning to start work along Ryan Road from the Princes Freeway to Pine Hill Drive from late May until late July 2024. Due to weather impacts and unexpected delays, we now expect to finish these works in late August 2024.

Construction will be during the day, Monday to Friday, between the hours of 7am and 5pm and on Saturday from 8:30am to 3:30pm. 

Ryan Road will remain accessible in both directions. Traffic management will be in place to direct traffic to the opposite site of the road and ensure the continuous flow of vehicles in both directions around the current work zones. Local access will be maintained throughout these works. 

Due to the size of the project, it is anticipated it will take until December 2024 to complete all of the works.

What might impact you

We’ll do our best to keep impacts to a minimum, however these are the kinds of things you might notice while we work:

  • Vehicles entering and leaving from Bourke Road and Bald Hill Road for the duration of works.
  • More trucks on the streets around you.
  • Periods of noise when heavy machinery is being used, including reversing beepers.

Please take care when travelling around the work site.

Want to know more? Watch our video 'What you might hear and see' below.

Don't miss these details

ZJW will have a temporary site compound set up for the duration of the works.

There are no planned distruptions to your water or sewerage services during these works.

When we’ve finished the job, we’ll leave things how we found them and return any areas we’ve impacted as close as possible to their original condition. 

Where we will be working

Blue legend icon   Location of recycled water alignment

Blue legend icon   Location of potable water alignment

Blue legend icon   Location of sewerage alignment

What you might hear and see

Frequently Asked Questions

We manage an infrastructure program which involves replacing, maintaining and upgrading the existing water  and sewerage infrastructure above and below the ground, so you can always rely on us when you need a drink, a bath, to wash the clothes or dishes and every time you flush or send water down the drain.

ZJW will complete these works on behalf of South East Water. 

It is not anticipated that access to private property will be impacted by these works. If for any reason during construction we need to block your driveway access, we will notify you in person and where possible, provide at least 24 hours' notice so that alternative parking arrangements can be made.

To safely undertake these works, traffic conditions may change so please take care when travelling around the construction sites. 

No. If you experience any disruption to your water or sewerage services please call our 24/7 Faults and Emergencies team on 13 28 12.


When we’ve finished the job, we’ll leave things how we found them and return any areas we’ve impacted as close as possible to their original condition. 

There is no cost to the property or business owner for these works. 

Need to get in touch?

We're here to help.

Pakenham East Sewer Recycled Water And Potable Water Upgrade

Contact us via phone

1800 572 099

Contact us via email

Contact us via post

Pakenham East Sewer, Recycled Water and Potable Water Upgrade
PO Box 2268
Seaford VIC 3198

Translator Interpreter Service
All languages 03 9280 0779


National Relay Service (NRS)
TTY: 13 36 77 (ask for 131 851)