Sewer works in your area from June 2024


You might not notice a lot of the work we do because most of it is beneath your feet. Every day, we’re maintaining and upgrading the pipes and pumps that keep the sewage network flowing.

With some upcoming works in Carlisle Street, St Kilda between Chapel Street and Havelock Street, you might see us or our delivery partner, BecaHunterH20, Fulton Hogan, Interflow Joint Venture (BFHI) around. Here’s what to expect while we get the job done.

What we're doing

This project will upgrade the sewer network to ensure reliability of the network and future proof the sewerage system.

The work will be carried out inside the existing sewer and it's unlikely any excavations will be required. You still might hear us using heavy machinery at some manholes during the project.

You shouldn’t notice any change to your water or sewer services while we work.

We'll work in stages along Carlisle Street with stage 1 to be completed from Chapel Street to Nepean Highway, stage 2 from Nepean Highway to Barkly Street and stage 3 from Barkly Street to Havelock Street. We'll let you know before we start works in your area. 

Rosamond Street and Chapel Street
You'll see us at the plugging point manhole in Rosamond Street, near the corner of Chapel Street for the whole project. The plugging point is where we install a sewer plug to stop sewerage entering the section of pipe we are renewing. After some initial noisy works, you'll see a truck and small crew at the manhole to monitor the plug for the rest of the project.

When it's happening

We started works in mid June and we plan to finish in early August 2024. It should take around 8 weeks to complete (depending on the weather). 

You can expect us to work Sunday to Thursday between 8pm and 5am. On the odd occasion, we might need to work at other times for safety, technical or permit reasons.

We’ll work at night, because it’ll be safer for us with lower sewer flows and less traffic and pedestrians. Trams will also run as usual and people can easily access local businesses and shops during the day.

If you'd like ear plugs, please speak to the crew on site or call our out of hours project contact on 0450 374 264.

What might impact you

We’ll do our best to keep impacts to a minimum, however these are the kinds of things you might notice while we work:

  • Change in normal traffic flow and lane and road closures on Carlilse Street (please refer to map below).
  • Reduced speed limits will be in place.
  • More trucks on the streets around you.
  • Fewer car parks on some streets.
  • Noise from machinery and drilling rigs, like beepers when trucks reverse.
  • Our traffic management team will be around to make sure people, bikes and cars can move around safely.

We're sorry about the noise and disruption in the area. We've installed noise barriers, mufflers on our truck beepers and are ensuring we do everything we can to minimise noise while we work.

Don't miss these details

We’re working with BFHI to help us.

During the works BFHI will have a site compound located at the Brighton Road end of Blessington Street . The area will be used for the site office, which looks like a caravan, and to store materials and equipment. There will also be a generator that will run 24 hours / 7 days a week during the project, measures will be put in place to mitigate noise levels.

When we’ve finished the job, we’ll leave things how we found them and make sure we return any areas we’ve impacted as close as possible to their original condition.

Where we will be working

Frequently Asked Questions

Our infrastructure program involves replacing, maintaining and upgrading the existing water and sewerage infrastructure above and below the ground, so you can always rely on us when you need a drink, a bath, to wash the clothes or dishes and every time you flush or send water down the drain.

We need to upgrade the sewer on Carlisle Street, St Kilda to increase the capacity of the sewer network to cater for population growth in the area and future proof the sewerage system. 

The population in Melbourne’s south-eastern suburbs is growing, placing pressure on the current sewerage system. These works will upgrade the capacity of the existing sewer, so that future growth can be met.

 The works will: 
• Improve service reliability into the future.
• Future proof the sewer network.
• Reduce ongoing maintenance and repair costs. 

We've started works from the Chapel Street end of Carlisle Street and at Rosamond Street. You'll start to see us move west along Carlisle Street, but we'll still have a truck and small crew in Rosamond Street to monitor the sewer plug for the rest of the project. We'll start progressing along to Carlisle Street towards Havelock Street in stages (refer to map above).

We will be rellinging the sewer pipes along Carlisle Street, St Kilda between Chapel Street and Havelock Street. This involves accessing the sewer from manholes located along Carlisle Street and the surrounding streets including Chapel Street, St Kilda Road and Barkly Street.

We'll renew the sewer pipeline in sections of approximately 100 metres at a time. The works zones will involve some road closures and include temporary fencing and water barriers to ensure the safety of nearby residents and the local community. 

Due to permit requirements, construction hours will be Sunday to Thursday between 7pm and 6am. On the odd occasion, we might need to work at other times for safety, technical or permit reasons.

Construction will start in mid November and take approximately 11 weeks to complete (depending on the weather). We'll take a break over the busy summer period and pack up the site between late December 2023 and we'll return in early April 2023 to complete the remainder of the works. 

The project will be completed in stages starting at Chapel Street (please refer to map overleaf) moving towards Havelock Street. If works progress well, we may start and finish some stages earlier than anticipated. We'll keep affected residents updated.

South East Water and their appointed deliver partner BHFI will keep you informed about the project and construction in your area. We'll also keep this webpage up to date.

During construction we may need to block your driveway access.  If this is necessary, we will notify you in person and where possible, provide at least 24 hours' notice so that alternative parking arrangements can be made. 

To safely undertake these works, traffic conditions may change so please take care when travelling around the construction sites. 

During the works BFHI will have a site compound located at the Brighton Road end of Blessington Street . The area will be used for the site office, which will look like a caravan, and to store materials and equipment. There will also be a generator that will run 24 hours / 7 days a week during the project, measures will be put in place to mitigate noise levels.

The construction methods chosen are not likely to cause high levels of dust and vibration. The project team will carry out regular site area inspections during high volumes of work to monitor for the safety and comfort of local residents and the community.  There will be periods of noise from machinery and drilling rigs. The crew will try to keep noisier works to earlier in the shift where possible. 

If you require property access due to a medical condition, please contact the BHFI Project Manager Buntha Chhuon immediately on 0429 077 031 or

No. If you experience any disruption to your water or sewerage services please call our 24/7 Faults and Emergencies team on 13 28 12.

There is no cost to the property owner for these works. 

When we’ve finished the job, we’ll leave things how we found them and make sure we return any areas we’ve impacted as close as possible to their original condition.

Need to get in touch?

We're here to help.

Carlisle Street St Kilda Sewer Upgrade

Contact us via phone

1800 572 099

Contact us via email 

Contact us via post

Carlisle Street St Kilda Sewer Upgrade
PO Box 2268
Seaford VIC 3198

Translator Interpreter Service
All languages 03 9280 0779


National Relay Service (NRS)
TTY: 13 36 77 (ask for 131 851)