Usage charges for 2024-25

Water plays a vital role in our lives. You may not think of us often, but we’re there when you turn on a tap, flush a toilet, make a coffee and run the water for your business.

To deliver this for you in 2024-25, we’re keeping price rises in line with inflation. Based on an average bill using 150 kilolitres of water per year, this means you’ll pay $12.43 more each quarter compared to last year. If you pay trade waste charges for your business, these have also increased in line with inflation.  

With changes to our charges, we’re still investing in the future to deliver major projects that extend the life and efficiency of the networks that keep your services running.

What your bill pays for

A general guide, based on the average bill for 2023-28.


Water services

Buying water from Melbourne Water; sampling it; and maintaining, upgrading and building new water infrastructure.


Sewer services

Taking, treating and reusing sewage (including use of Melbourne Water plants); maintaining, upgrading and building new sewerage infrastructure.



An annual environment contribution paid to the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA), to support sustainable water management initiatives.

Non-residential charges 2024-25 2023-24
Water usage charge
per kilolitre  $3.6826  $3.5576
Sewage disposal charge
per kilolitre  $1.8976 $1.8332
Water service charge    
per quarter  $22.5825 $21.48
per annum  $90.33 $85.93
Sewerage service charge    
per quarter  $116.445 $112.06
per annum  $465.78  $448.27

Our charges and what your bill pays for

Most of what we do you’ll never see, much like the plumbing in your home or business. Here’s how we use the money you pay on your bill to provide reliable water and sewerage supplies for every customer.

This charge covers the amount of water used at your property, which is recorded by your water meter. We bill this per kilolitre (kl) of water used.

These are fixed charges for running, maintaining and repairing pipes and infrastructure that store, treat and deliver water to and take away sewerage from your property to treatment plants.

The water that goes down your drain, from the kitchen, bathroom, toilet and laundry is called sewage. This charge is calculated as a percentage of your water usage. 

This charge covers the operational and maintenance costs associated with increased demand on the water network in the event of a fire at properties with a fire service.


Other authorities' charges

Waterways and drainage charge

The waterways and drainage charge helps protect and improve the health of our waterways. It also protects us from floods. South East Water collects this charge on behalf of Melbourne Water. In 2024-25, the minimum quarterly charge for non-residential customers is $45.85 per quarter. For more information, visit Melbourne Water’s website or contact them on 131 722.

Parks charge

The Parks charge is used by Parks Victoria to maintain places we all enjoy, like Arthurs Seat, the Royal Botanic Gardens, Albert Park Lake, Lysterfield Park, Cardinia Park Reservoir and the Dandenong Ranges National Park. Property owners receive this charge quarterly. In 2024-25, the minimum charge for businesses is $21.79. For more information about the Parks charge, visit Parks Victoria's website. 

Trade waste charges

Trade waste application

The 2024-25 fee is $64.77. Each new trade waste customer is charged with a one-off fee to cover the initial costs of processing a trade waste application.

Trade waste consent 

This is an annual charge which covers the cost of administering and monitoring trade waste consents. The level of the charge is based on a customer's risk ranking, based on their business activities, trade waste volume and quality, their history and their location in relation to a sewage treatment plant. 


Risk rank 2024-25 2023-24
 1 $17,016.63 $16,422.17
 2 $8,508.29 $8,211.06
 3 $5,672.12 $5,473.97
 4 $2,836.03 $2,736.96
 5 $494.61 $477.34

Volumetric and quality charges

For customers whose trade waste exceeds any one of the following parameters, these volumetric and quality charges will apply.

  • Volume greater than 1,000 kL/year
  • Biochemical Oxygen Demand greater than 600 mg/L
  • Suspended solids greater than 600 mg/L
  • Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen greater than 50 mg/L
Volume and quality 2024-25 2023-24
 Volume (kl) $1.1095 $1.0708
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (kg)
$1.0967 $1.0584
 Suspended solids (kg) $0.6148 $0.5934

Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (kg)

(greater then 50mg/L)

$2.4096 $2.3255

Pricing and charges handbook

Read our pricing handbook that provides a list of South East Water’s prices and charges that recover the costs of delivering the services our customers value.