We're doing our part to reduce emissions

The majority of our emissions are associated with our use of electricity (known as scope 2 emissions), while the rest are from direct sources such as methane gas from our water recycling plants.

Annual emissions

We report on our climate change emissions annually (Scope 1 and 2 emissions have been included along with offsets. See our annual reports at Reports strategies and plans | South East Water, opens in a new window). These emissions are reported as net emissions in equivalent tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO 2 -e), so different types of greenhouse gasses can be compared. This number is compared to a baseline figure of our average emissions emitted from 2011-2016 (which was 41,744 CO 2 -e per year), so we can see how things have changed.

South East Water’s average annual emissions are:

Year Emissions (CO 2 -e)

*estimated figure based on data available 1 May 2023

Emissions trajectory

We've predicted our emissions until 2030 based on the information we have available now (Scope 1 and 2 emissions have been included before adding offsets). Measurements are in gross emissions CO 2 -e. Where we cannot reduce our emissions we plan on buying offsets to achieve our goal of net zero emissions. This graph shows a gentle upward trend in the emissions over time, consistent with the growth of the population in Melbourne and to our customers.

What do we emit, and from where?

Scope 1 and 2 emissions have been included before adding offsets.

Location Average
(CO 2-e) 
Blind Bight Water Recycling Plant
Boneo Water Recycling Plant 7,578.9 21%
Koo Wee Rup Water Recycling Plant 2,620.8 7%
Lang Lang Water Recycling Plant 872.1 2%
Longwarry Water Recycling Plant 1,536.3 4%
Mt Martha Water Recycling Plant 11,138.7 31%
Pakenham Water Recycling Plant 7,958.2 22%
Somers Water Recycling Plant 4,088 11%