Community culture giving the essentials for Christmas

Community members in need will receive an extra helping hand this Christmas with South East Water employees raising almost $12,000 through their annual appeal.
South East Water’s Annual Employee Christmas Giving Appeal supported 3 charities providing access to essential food, clothing, clean drinking water and healthcare.
Seaford-based charity, Mums Supporting Families in Need (MSFIN) provide material aid support for families in crisis across Melbourne – from clothes and toys to non-perishable food.
MSFIN Marketing and Fundraising Manager, Kim Michod was excited to see donations of toys, clothes and essential food hampers left under the organisation’s Christmas tree and ready to be distributed.
“Thanks to the employees at South East Water for their generous support. Without the help of our community, we can’t continue to support vulnerable families in need.
The food hampers will go out to families to give some Christmas cheer, and the toys will be a special something under the tree on Christmas morning."
Mums Supporting Families in Need (MSFIN) Marketing and Fundraising Manager, Kim Michod
The 2022 Annual Employee Christmas Giving Appeal marks 10 years since South East Water employees began supporting MSFIN at Christmas, highlighting the growing community culture within the organisation.
Employees also supported Food for Change, which grows fresh produce on farms in Clayton and Mt Martha and donate it for free to food relief organisations around Australia.
Support also extended beyond South East Water’s service area to Purple House, an Aboriginal-led charity providing access to clean drinking water to enable dialysis services across remote parts of Central Australia.
South East Water Managing Director, Lara Olsen said the employee-led appeal empowered employees to directly support charities helping vulnerable communities both within and beyond its borders.
“I'm really proud of the support we’ve been able to provide our 3 chosen charities, giving back to those who do a great job in helping our customers and community access the essentials we can sometimes take for granted: food, clothing, clean drinking water and healthcare.
“It’s the charities that lead and undertake this incredible work, day in and day out. We’re happy to help in the small way we can."
Managing Director South East Water, Lara Olsen

Learn more about these three amazing charities:
South East Water employees Kristina, Claire, Avinish, Sarah and Olivia, with Managing Director, Lara Olsen (far right) and MSFIN Marketing and Fundraising Manager, Kim Michod (third from left), handing over employee donations of toys, clothes and essential food hampers.
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