1. Purpose

To outline our commitment to the safety and wellbeing of people in all aspects of our business. 

2. Scope 

This policy applies to South East Water and its subsidiary, Iota, and must be observed by all directors, employees, agents, contractors and other workers. References in this policy to South East Water are taken to include Iota.

3. What this means for us

Nothing is more important to us than the safety and wellbeing of our employees, contractors and the community that we serve. We have an absolute commitment to achieving and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace. This philosophy underpins a strong ethic of mutual responsibility for each other’s safety. By cultivating safety leadership at all levels, we strive for a workplace free from both physical and psychological injury.

Our commitment to safety and wellbeing is a key focus area in our Safety, People and Wellbeing Strategy and Plans and aligns with our values:

  • We put safety first
  • We care
  • We’re real
  • We’re bold
  • We discover
  • We deliver sustainably

Our commitment is supported by our Board and Executive Management team who will sponsor the development of strategies and plans that:

  • Set objectives and measurable targets that guide the implementation of the Safety, People and Wellbeing Strategy; and
  • Ensure we comply with legislative requirements. 
4. Policy statement

We put safety first and are committed to achieving a workplace that is free from harm to people, both physically and psychologically. Our ability to deliver sustainable value to our organisation, customers, workforce, stakeholders and communities is underpinned by this commitment to safety and wellbeing.

We’ll do this through:

  • Fostering a culture where safety and wellbeing is everyone’s responsibility; where employees and contractors have an unwavering duty of care for their own personal health and safety as well as the health and safety of colleagues, workmates and the general community.
  • Empowering our employees and contractors to ‘call out’ any safety risks or unsafe actions of any person, and to receive these observations respectfully. Our leaders will exemplify and demonstrate safe behaviours and will fulfil our duty to consult regularly with employees and contractors to improve health and safety decision-making.
  • Proactive risk identification to prevent injury and illnesses from occurring as far as practicable; and embrace incidents as key learning opportunities to further strengthen the safety of our activities.
  • Proactive monitoring and implementation of best practice safety and wellbeing approaches to our activities; and ongoing investment in safety and wellbeing training and development to ensure our employees and contractor skills and capabilities are up to date and refreshed to support a workforce that is free from harm.
  • Providing regular employee and external communications – to ensure safety and wellbeing updates and key messages are provided in a timely and engaging manner.
  • Respecting and fully complying with all relevant legislative requirements, ISO standards and industry regulations including the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic).  Wherever possible, we will endeavor to exceed standards of compliance and seek to achieve exemplary health and safety performance.
5. Related policies
  • Quality Policy
  • Risk Management Policy 
6. Legislative compliance
  • Occupational Health & Safety Act (2004) Vic
  • Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act & Regulations (2013) Vic
  • Occupational Health & Safety Regulations (2013) Vic
  • Dangerous Goods Act (1985)
  • Dangerous Goods Storage & Handling Regulations (2012) Vic 
7. Approval

Approved by: South East Water Board of Directors

Approved on: 6 December 2021

Sponsor: General Manager, People and Safety

Implementer: Manager, Safety and Wellbeing 

Review date: 6 December 2023