1. Purpose

This policy sets out the product safety and process quality principles that underpin South East Water’s management systems, related to the provision of reticulated potable and recycled water and sewerage services to industrial, commercial and domestic customers. 

2. Scope of Policy

This policy applies to South East Water and its subsidiary, Iota Services Pty Ltd, and is to be observed by all directors, employees, agents, fixed term workers and other workers.

3. Policy Statement

South East Water is committed to: 

  • ensuring that the products we source, process, store, handle and supply achieve the highest quality standards required whether specified in legislation, standards or by our customers; 

  • providing high quality, reliable and adaptive services and products, that deliver outcomes that meet the needs of our customers, community and stakeholders; and

  • continually improving our processes and developing innovative solutions to enhance our service and product offerings.


The policy objectives we will adopt to achieve our organisational purpose of ‘healthy water for life’ and our strategic vision include:

  • documenting, implementing and maintaining management systems that comply with the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 22000 and Codex HACCP principles; 

  • continually improving the effectiveness and performance of our management systems, including setting quality objectives;

  • communicating this policy and its purpose within our organisation and to stakeholders, to develop competency, awareness and understanding of our commitments to quality and product safety;

  • complying with all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements and related responsibilities; 

  • providing appropriate training and resources to develop and support a culture that encourages innovation and continuous improvement of our management systems and related activities;  

  • ensuring all our staff understand their responsibilities related to our management systems and are aware that their day-to-day actions may impact the quality of our products and services; 

  • eliminating or minimising the risk of non-compliance with our management systems;

  • engaging with our partners and suppliers to ensure alignment with our management system requirements; 

  • ensuring quality and product safety management systems are resourced by competent personnel;

  • regularly assessing this policy for continuing suitability and improvement; and

  • developing approaches consistent with community expectations to deliver improved safety, reliability and performance of our products.

4. Related Policies
  • Compliance Policy

  • Risk Management Policy

  • Drinking Water Quality Policy

  • Customer Charter

  • Privacy Charter

5. Legislation and Related Documents
  • Safe Drinking Water Act 2003 (Vic)

  • Safe Drinking Water Regulations 2015

  • Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 2011

  • Water Act 1989 (Vic)

  • Water Industry Act 1994 (Vic)

6. Accountability

The Managing Director is accountable to the Board of Directors for ensuring this policy is implemented.

7. Approval 

Approved by: South East Water Board of Directors

Approved on: 4 December 2023

Sponsor: General Manager, People, Safety and Governance

Implementer: Risk, Assurance and Quality Manager

Review date:  4 December 2025