We all need to work together

We see climate action as an opportunity for our organisation to lead by example, and to do what we can to bring others on the journey - and we hope you to do, too. We have a duty to do our part to reduce the emissions generated by water use and waste management, but we can’t eliminate them entirely. There are unavoidable emissions generated in building our networks, in pumping water and wastewater, and when managing human waste. Our Emissions, opens in a new window page explains these emissions more clearly.

What this means is that your actions can be as powerful as ours in reducing emissions. One example is hot water use. For every minute that you run a hot water tap, whether in the shower or for the washing, greenhouse gas emissions are generated. For every litre of water wasted, another is pumped to maintain the system’s pressure. And when these uses are multiplied across our nearly 2 million customers, the impacts are huge.

So when that water isn’t pumped? When you turn off the hot water tap one minute early?

The savings can be HUGE.

What can you do?

  1. Use less water

    Reduce your water usage by taking shorter showers, and run the dishwasher or washing machine on shorter cycles.

  2. Optimise water efficiency in your home

    Replace your existing shower head with a low-flow model, which uses less water whilst still providing strong water pressure. Check taps regularly for drips or leaks. If you’re renovating your kitchen or bathroom, choose water-efficient fittings and appliances including taps, toilets, dishwashers, and washing machines. See the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (WELS), opens in a new window.

  3. Use alternative water sources available to you

    Installing a rainwater tank to capture and reuse stormwater is a great way to save water. Rainwater can be used for a variety of non-drinking uses, such as in the garden, to flush toilets, or to wash clothes. Talk to your plumber about collecting and using grey water (water from household appliances and fixtures such as baths, showers, washing machines and dishwashers) to flush toilets or use in the garden.

  4. Choose to spend with companies that have net zero emissions targets

    Don’t underestimate the power of your spending choices. Supporting companies with strong decarbonisation targets means that your dollars are also funding climate mitigation. Consumer choices can encourage more companies to align with net zero emissions.

  5. Use renewable energy

    Source renewable power from your energy provider.

  6. Adjust your thermostat

    Set your thermostat a little lower in winter and a little higher in summer.

  7. More information

    For more tips on reducing household emissions and saving water, check out Sustainability Victoria’s, opens in a new window website, or the Using Water Wisely, opens in a new window page by the Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Action.