Ongoing investigative works in your area


You might not notice a lot of the work we do because most of it is beneath your feet. Every day, we’re maintaining and upgrading the pipes and pumps that keep the sewage network flowing.

With some upcoming works in and around Albert Park you might see us or our contractor ZJW (Zinfra, Jaydo, WSP, Joint Venture) around.

Here’s what to expect while we get the job done.


What we're doing

The project will increase the capacity of the sewer network to cater for population growth in the area and future proof the sewerage system.

We're currently undertaking preliminary investigation works to prepare for construction. These works include cultural heritage investigations, soil sampling and service proving activities. Affected residents will be notified when we need to work nearby.

In preparation for these works, you may receive a letter from us regarding:
Dilapidation surveys
If you live near the works area in St Kilda West, you may receive a letter from us soon to schedule a dilapidation survey of your property. ZJW and Metrospect will also door knock some properties in the area to answer any questions about the dilapidation survey.

Underground sewer connections form
We are directly contacting residents where we need to identify if properties have basements that with any water or sewer connections within them. If you have received the notification, please fill in the form at or contact us on the details below to tell us if you property does or doesn't have underground sewer and water connections as soon as possible. 

You shouldn’t notice any change to your water or sewer services while we work. 

When it's happening

We've been undertaking investigative works along the proposed alignment since mid-November 2022. Construction of the new sewer is planned to start in 2024. We'll keep you updated and notify the area before works commence.

Night investigation works on Cowderoy Street between Park Street and Cantebury Road are happening from Sunday 7 July until Wednesday 10 July between 8pm and 6am.

We'll do our best to keep noise to a minimum while we work at night. If you'd like ear plugs please speak to the crew on site.

There will be no interruption to your water or sewer services while we work.

Construction work is anticipated to begin in 2024 for approximately 18 months, depending on the weather. We'll keep you updated prior to any works commencing.

What might impact you

We’ll do our best to keep impacts to a minimum, however these are the kinds of things you might notice while we work:

  • More trucks on the streets around you.
  • Lights when we work at night.
  • Fewer car parks on some streets.
  • Noise from machinery, like beepers when trucks reverse.
  • Some lane closures and a change in normal traffic flow.
  • You'll notice that our traffic management team are around too, to make sure people, bikes and cars can move around safely.

Want to know more? Watch our video 'What you might hear and see' below.

Don't miss these details

We'll be completing this project in stages and will notify the area prior to construction commencing.

You shouldn’t notice any change to your water or sewer services while we work.

When we’ve finished the job, we’ll leave things how we found them and make sure we return any areas we’ve impacted as close as possible to their original condition.

Where we will be working

What you might hear and see

Frequently Asked Questions

We manage an infrastructure program which involves replacing, maintaining and upgrading the existing water and sewerage infrastructure above and below the ground, so you can always rely on us when you need a drink, a bath, to wash the clothes or dishes and every time you flush or send water down the drain.


There are more of us living in the Albert Park area now and, with potential storm surges, floods and extreme weather events from climate change, we need to make sure everyone is protected from sewage surges or overflows. Sewage surges or overflows happens when flooded sewerage pipes aren’t large enough and don’t have the pressure, to take sewage and additional storm water run-off to the local treatment plant.

We’ve awarded the contract to Zinfra, Jaydo, WSP Joint Venture (ZJW) 

South East Water and their appointed contractors will keep you informed about the project and construction in your area, and we’ll work with you to discuss your access needs before we start to build.

The new sewer pipes will be laid beneath the road or footpath, depending on the outcomes of geotechnical investigations and the location of utilities.  The pipes will be laid using trenchless technology, where shafts are dug, then bores are sunk, and pipes pushed through behind them. This is the best way to lay pipes in built up areas because it limits the disruption to the local community.

No, but please don't hesitate to call our 24/7  Faults and Emergencies team on 13 28 12 if you experience disruptions at any time.

Construction hours will be Monday to Friday between 7 am and 5 pm. On the odd occasion we may need to work at other times, including night works, for safety or technical reasons. If we do, we’ll make sure we let you know in advance so you can plan accordingly.

We'll endeavour to make sure your driveway isn’t blocked during construction, but if it is, we’ll let you know beforehand, so you have time to organise alternative parking. But don’t worry. We will be around to help you get out of your driveway in an emergency. 

We'll speak with you in the lead up to construction to understand more about your deliveries, waste removal and customer access, and work with you to make sure these are not impacted. If we do need to block your driveway for a short period of time, we’ll work out alternative arrangements with you prior to works commencing.

Prior to construction commencing we’ll be in touch to understand more about your parking arrangements. We do apologise if local parking is impacted but will work to make sure this is for as short a time as possible.

When we’ve finished the job, we’ll leave things how we found them and make sure we return any areas we’ve impacted as close as possible to their original condition.

No. There is no cost to the property or business owner for these works. 

Need to get in touch?

We're here to help.

Albert Park Branch Sewer Upgrade

Contact us via phone

1800 330 129

Contact us via email 

Contact us via post

Albert Park Branch Sewer Upgrade
PO Box 2268
Seaford VIC 3198

Translator Interpreter Service
All languages 03 9280 0779


National Relay Service (NRS)
TTY: 13 36 77 (ask for 131 851)