Where we will be working

What we're doing

The scheme will involve the design and construction of a transfer main to bring recycled water from the Eastern Treatment Plant to service around 40 sites in the Bayside, Kingston, Greater Dandenong and Monash Local Government Areas. It is anticipated that recycled water will be available for use before 2028.

We'll also construct connection pipes from the transfer main which will provide recycled water to the various locations resulting in a total of 42 km of pipeline being constructed.

The first stage of this project has been awarded to our Industry Partner ABK (Abergeldie, BMD & KBR). We're now working with them to finalise the design and alignment.

Cultural Heritage Investigation Works
As a part of cultural heritage investigation works, we dug over 30 pits along our proposed pipeline alignment. We're now working to finalise our Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP).

To view more information on the different stages of the project visit SEW Interactive Map (consultationspace.com)

When it's happening

We started investigation works for the transfer main in late November 2023. We're now awaiting to finalise our plans and approvals. 

We've encountered unexpected delays during early works and now plan to start construction on stage one, which is to build the transfer main, around early to mid 2025. It should take approximately 9 months to complete. We'll keep this page updated once we know when we'll be constructing the pipeline in Braeside Park.

Working hours will be Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm. 

Important information

Parking and access

You'll have access to the park during investigation works and construction, however when we're working nearby you may notice:

  • Pedestrian and traffic detours along the alignment in the park.
  • We might have to block off some areas and stop traffic to allow for deliveries, machinery and some work zones. Please adhere to signage on site.

When we've finished the job, we'll leave things how we found them and return any areas we’ve impacted as close as possible to their original condition.

Bike and Footpaths

Works will impact the Sets Trak. If we're working on the Sets Trak and have to close a section, you'll see signage pointing to the detour. The detour will be via Wetlands Circuit Trail. We'll keep this webpage updated when we know construction dates.

Please allow an extra 5 minutes to walk the longer trail and view up to date informations and warnings here, opens in a new window

Special events

We're working with Parks Victoria to minimise impacts during the project. Before special events, we'll pack up our site as best we can and make the area safe.

What you might hear and see


Frequently Asked Questions

The Dingley Recycled Water Scheme will deliver recycled water to around 40 sites in the Bayside, Kingston, Greater Dandenong and Monash Local Government Areas.

Supplying recycled water to local parks, world-class golf courses, sporting ovals, laundromats, market gardens and nurseries, the scheme will help preserve our drinking water supply, and help our communities become more resilient to climate change.

Investigative works will include:

  • Service proving to identify and locate all underground services that may interact with the pipeline alignment
  • Engineering feature survey
  • Geotechnical and contamination investigations
  • Ecology surveys and environmental site mapping

These works will ensure the transfer main design is optimised to best suit the needs and requirements of the end users. 

Abergeldie, BMD and KBR (ABK) will complete these works on behalf of South East Water.

We send digital communications to customers with a mobile number or email address registered to their mySouthEastWater account prior to works commencing. To register or check if your details are up to date visit my.southeastwater.com.au, opens in a new window.

We then put a letter in your letter box before we commence works. If the works are deferred, we will send you another notification of the new proposed start date. Project signage will be installed at the work area prior to commencing the works. 

We will also keep information on this webpage updated throughout the project.

No, we don't plan to impact driveway access. If for any reason during construction we need to block your driveway access, we will notify you in person and where possible, provide at least 24 hours' notice so that alternative parking arrangements can be made.

To safely undertake these works, traffic and pedestrian conditions may change so please take care when travelling around the construction sites. 

No. If you experience any disruption to your water or sewerage services please call our 24/7 Faults and Emergencies team on 13 28 12.

When we’ve finished the job, we’ll leave things how we found them and return any areas we’ve impacted as close as possible to their original condition. 

Only high usage customers who have agreed to connect to the scheme will need to pay. Discussions with scheme customers on pricing will take place prior to connection. 

Need to get in touch?

We're here to help.

Dingley Recycled Water Scheme - Braeside Park

Contact us via phone

1800 330 129

Contact us via email


Contact us via post

Dingley Recycled Water Scheme
PO Box 2268
Seaford VIC 3198

Translator Interpreter Service
All languages 03 9280 0779


National Relay Service (NRS)
TTY: 13 36 77 (ask for 131 851)