South East Water has teamed up with The Alfred to make it easier for front line essential workers, volunteers, patients and visitors to choose tap water over bottled, with new water bottle refill stations installed at all three hospitals:

  • The Alfred, Melbourne

  • Caulfield Hospital, Caulfield

  • Sandringham Hospital, Sandringham 

The bottle refill stations all feature a bottle refill tap, solar lighting and a digital water meter – which shows how many plastic bottles have been saved from landfill and the CO2 emissions saved from producing these.

“We're really excited to be collaborating with The Alfred to help provide greater access to free and fresh tap water for our busy essential workers who do such an amazing job. Staying hydrated throughout the day is so important for your physical and mental health"

South East Water Managing Director, Lara Olsen

Ms Olsen noted the environmental benefits of choosing tap water to reduce single-use plastic – with 1,440 bottles being sent to landfill every minute.  

“We know how much our community cares about reducing the amount of single-use plastic that ends up in landfill or our waterways, and these water bottle refill stations are a great sustainable solution to help everyone do that,” said Ms Olsen.

Alfred Health Executive Director, Strategy and Planning Jenny Walsh said the fountain would benefit both our staff, community and environment.

“Single-use plastic bottles contribute to 130,000 tonnes of plastic that ends up in our waterways and oceans, so this is a really significant initiative for environmental sustainability at Alfred Health."

"Just as importantly, this initiative will also help with physical and mental wellbeing, providing staff, volunteers, patients and visitors with easy access to fresh water” 
Alfred Health Executive Director, Jenny Walsh

The new water fountains are part of the Choose Tap® initiative, which works to improve the health and wellbeing of the community and environment by promoting tap water as the most sustainable drink of choice.

This project has been funded through our current price submission commitments, where customers told us they want to support the community and protect our environment.

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