Supporting the community
Community grants recipients 2019
Each year we support our community groups and environment by helping make important projects possible through our community grants program. While we help to fund these projects, it’s our community groups who bring them to life – often with a team of passionate volunteers.
Australian Volunteer Coast Guard
The Carrum Volunteer Coast Guard attracted competitive runners of all ages to its 2020 Community Fun Run – raising important funds to continue its work in marine search and rescue. Our grant funding helped make the event possible, assisting with technology to time the participants.

Beach Patrol Australia
Beach Patrol’s ‘Litter Stopper’ phone app allows volunteers from its chain of community groups to easily record a raft of litter-related information – from plastic rubbish pickups and locations, to volume, weight and type of rubbish collected. It used our grant funding to link each group’s app data into the Beach Patrol website, also allowing both segmented and ‘whole of organisation’ views – reducing manual data entry and providing consolidated insights..

Dolphin Research Institute
While the Dolphin Research Institute is known for its award-winning 'i sea, i care' Ambassador program in primary schools, grant funding helped it’s new 'i sea, i care' Communities’ pilot roll out in Mt Eliza, Mornington and Mt Martha. Building on its citizen science projects and education programs, the pilot aims to build bay champions through story-telling and workshops linked to school programs – as protecting the health of our waterways ultimately protects our dolphins.

Frankston City Council
Thanks to our grant funding, green thumbs gathered when seedlings from the Frankston Indigenous nursery were procured and planted around Seaford Foreshore Reserve – including by the boardwalk and along frontal dunes near tracks, the pier, life saving and bowls clubs.

Kunyung Primary School
Kunyung Primary School in Mt Eliza used its grant funding to help improve its drainage systems and reduce its impact on the bay. Activities ranged from making drainage points more visible through creative artwork, to educating the school community on the water cycle, recycling and the impact of plastics. A dry riverbed was also added to the end of a large drain, to act as a natural filtration system.

Mordialloc Life Saving Club
Grant funding enabled this lifesaving club to run a School Water Safety Program to educate kids about basic beach water safety, first aid, ways to rescue and identify hazards, and fun activities that can be done at the beach. The program was delivered to children who live locally and to those who don’t live by a beach.

Mt Martha Lifesaving Swimming and Youth Club Incorporated
The Club ran an event for the community in collaboration with Beach Patrol and the Dolphin Research Institute. The purpose of the event was to raise awareness on the Peninsula of the significant impact litter has on marine pollution. The event was a success with over one hundred people attending. On the day 150 kgs of litter was removed from the beach including: 134 Cans, 180 Glass Bottles, 85 Plastic Bottles, 200 Butts, 22 Coffee Cups, 20 Straws, 20 Bottles tops along with many more items.
Visit Mt Martha Lifesaving Swimming and Youth Club Incorporated

St Columba’s Primary School Elwood
This primary school used its grant funding to connect an existing rainwater tank to a newly installed irrigation system – improving the sustainability of its school garden, eliminating the need to use drinking water on the garden and preventing overwatering.

Easy English Community Grant information
South East Water has worked with accessible information specialists enliven to translate key information about our Community Grants into Easy English.
We recognise that our customers have diverse abilities and communication needs, and by providing inclusive communications about our grant program, all customers regardless of their circumstances will have access to information that is concise and easy to understand.
Our Easy English Community Grant information can be found on the booklet page.