Proposed trade waste changes

Following on from our update late last year, we’re writing to let you know our regulator, the Essential Services Commission (ESC), has approved the proposed changes to trade waste acceptance criteria for two Nitrogen compounds, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) and ammonia – and the new limits now apply.
What are the new limits?
WTotal Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN):
- Customers must not discharge trade waste with a total mass load of TKN exceeding 788 kg/day (expressed as N) unless its concentration is no greater than 500 mg/L.
- Customers must not discharge trade waste with a concentration of Ammonia, plus ammoniacal ion (expressed as N), greater than:
- o i. 50 mg/L; or
- o ii. 200mg/L if the pH is within the restricted range 6.0 to 8.0
What does this mean for my company?
These new limits provide greater flexibility for trade waste customers, like you, to manage your waste appropriately, while still allowing the treatment plants to safely maintain their process performance and discharge licence limits.
The new limits also provide a consistent Ammonia limit for any trade waste discharges to Melbourne Water’s Eastern or Western treatment plants.
Where can I find more information?
Read the below Statement of Approved Acceptance Criteria.